Over the course of the last few months we have been collecting items to take that we can use to help the children and their caregivers. We have be blessed by the support of so many as you have dug deep to help meet the immediate needs of so many children. We have spent countless hours packing and squeezing in items to all the crevices of the thirty-one suitcases we will be taking filled with donations. We will also have twelve of our own bags as well. If you have not put those numbers together that is a whooping forty-four suitcases. As we were packing we could not help but look around at all that we had collected and stand amazed, our biggest problem was figuring our how to get all the stuff to Africa. "Truly, I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matt 25:40
We ask for your prayers that all of our bags will get to their final destination successfully and that we will make wise choices in how to distribute the items. Our pray is that God would be glorified through our efforts because it is nothing we have done and everything that he has accomplished.
Written by: Cindy Douglass
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