We are going to Ethiopia to minister and to love on orphans, but the most important thing we are going to do for them is to tell them about a God that created them, sees them and knows them down to the hair on their heads. That there is a God that values them and knows their beauty. That He wants for them to know Him. That there is a God who loves them and most of all sent His son to die for them. Psalm 27:10 says “For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the Lord will take me in.” We will tell them about the God that will take them in and love them more than any mother and father ever can. You see, we are all orphans in a sense.
We have all been orphaned by sin, pain, sorrow, failure, shame, guilt, the list goes on and on. We have all sinned, all failed, all fallen short of the glory of God. But God has not left us in that shame and in the pain of sin. He doesn’t want us to be left as orphans. God demonstrates His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. He sent His son to this earth to die to take our place. And He didn’t stop there. He conquered death when He rose three days later and proved to us that the debt we owed, He paid. And because of Jesus, we all have the opportunity to become adopted as sons and daughters of the one true God. The love He so freely poured out on the cross is a love that is truly at the core of why we are all going. 1 John 4:19 sums it up saying “We love because He first loved us.

It breaks our heart to know that there are people, especially children, in this world who have never heard the name of our savior Jesus. This love is not something we have earned or can ever earn. We are not going to Ethiopia to try to earn our way into heaven or to get on God’s good side. There is absolutely nothing we can do to even try to do that. His love is 100% no strings attached free. All you have to do is believe in Jesus and what He did on the cross as the only way to be right with God. If we could be good enough, do enough good works, go to church enough, there would be no reason for Him to die. The truth is that the love that put Him on the cross is the most life changing love there is. If these children have no one else to love them in the entire world except for Jesus Christ, they have enough. We desperately want them to know that and we want you all to know that too. We not only want the love of Jesus Christ to be known by the children of Ethiopia, but you as well.
Written By: Keri Bosch