Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Parents Night Out

Our team is made up of such unique people and it has been a real treat to see God orchestrate all the details as only He can! Seven of us on the team are teachers and I don't think that is unintentional. Four of us teach together at the same school. Little Lambs has been so supportive of our team and the work we will do in Ethiopia.  As part of our fundraising efforts we decided to have a Parents Night Out at school.
We ended up having two Parents Night Out events and both were so well received. Between the two nights we ended up having around 150 kids and countless volunteers who gave of their time and talent to make each of the nights such a success.We spent our time playing, singing, eating and learning more about Ethiopia. It was a great time and another example of God's provision for this trip.

 We want the people whom God has placed in our path on this journey to hear our heart and to understand that we are not going to Africa  to solve the orphan crisis. We can however make a difference in the lives of those that we are blessed to meet as we share the love that has no boundaries and knows no color. The love that only comes through our Savior Jesus Christ.

Written by: Cindy Douglass

Monday, July 14, 2014

Support Letters - It takes a team

And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body.If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” 1 Cor. 12:16-21

The body of Christ, the church, is an amazing thing. It is alive with the breath of the Holy Spirit through the blood of Jesus Christ. We all have a role.Those roles look different and they may look different at various points in our walk with Jesus.God can use even the most seemingly insignificant role to bring Himself glory.  It is an awesome privilege we have as followers of Christ to be allowed to participate in His kingdom work. Mission work is just one of the many examples of the church working together to further His kingdom and bring Him glory. One of the most important things missionaries do, whether they go for days or years to the mission field, is to invite others to join them on their journey of obedience. One of the most significant tools we have used as a team is to engage others through support letters. It can be overwhelming to see the dollar amount it takes to go on a mission trip. Then the thoughts of panic arise when faced with raising such an amount. But faith steps in and we allow God to take control. And then the people of God, the body, accepts the invitation. We see God working and providing for our longing to show Him to the world and we stand in awe.

Friends and family, near and far, through God’s leading, have played an integral part already in reaching the orphans of Ethiopia, to provide for their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. We would not be going if it were not for their obedience in putting their blessings to use for His kingdom. God’s provision and faithfulness is clearly evident in the gracious giving of so many. It is hard to ask for help and even harder to specifically ask for money. But if we had not, we would have robbed so many of the privilege and blessing of being a part of His work. We would have taken away the joy that comes from helping and giving to others. We would have never allowed those who gave the opportunity to play their role in the big picture God is painting. Thank you to all who gave in response to our letters. Thank you for your obedience and for allowing God to work in your life, in our lives and the precious little lives we will meet in Ethiopia.

Written by: Keri Bosch